Weekly Encapsulation 4: Ruminaiton of language and culture affiliation, The concept of urgent patience, Semester rumination

This is my project that organize an article a week about what I learned & thought.

・Ruminaiton of language and culture affiliation

English is an universal language, widely recognized in people’s collective consciousness. Yet, what delineates the horizon between the universal and the distinctive?

One day, I went to the library at NTU, only to find a foreign vistor occuping my seat. I reclaim my seat with English conversation immediately, presuming she came from a Western country.

Nonetheless, after the interaction, an indescribable pensive feeling lingered in my mind and inspiring me to post a reflective Instagram stroy.

Typically, when individuals from Taiwan visit foreign place, locals converse with them in local language. This practice serves not only as a means of adapting to native culture but also as a symbol of respect, acknowledging that they are not viewed as complete strangers.

Conversely, in Taiwan, when people encountering foreigners, especially those from Western countries, we tend to automatically switch to English.

I’m not attempting to condemn this prevailing convention, at times it arise from the inherent friendly nature of Taiwanese people. On the other hand, language might merely be a vessel for conveying our spirit and thoughts.

However, given its vital role in expressing heartfelt kindness, what if just speak in Chinese is another way to show our tribute to these foreign customer?

Two friends, recent exchange students from Taiwan to Europe, both felt resonant and have the same sentiment in response to my story. Speaking the native language to foreigners is an authentic and proper way to express respect and further assert the independence of our culture.

Chinese, or in other words, Taiwanese, is not an affiliate of Occidental culture. We just need to take pride in our homeland and the culture we were born into.

After this experience, the next time I’ll try to initiate conversations with foreigners in Chinese at first, if they just cannot understand, then I’ ll switch to Enghlish to express my thoughts.

・Harmony of the haste: The concept of “urgent patience”

The term “urgent patience” may sound paradoxical at first. When we face the trouble, uncertainty, and urgency, the often reaction is being anxious. How can we even keep patient?

In fact, urgent patience encapsulates the art of balancing urgency with a composed and patient demeanor. It encourage us to stay equanimity when we encountering the crisis. It’s also a great quality for a successful leader.

Picture a scenario where a pressing issue arises, demanding quick decisions.

The mediocre people often influenced by the immergence. The first reflection comes to mind is “how to solve it?” and then just take the action. This behavior is impulsive and cannot always be consummeat to get whole point of the problem.

On contrary, the people with high urgen patience can react more equable. Not thinking the solution at first, they can heed the roots of the problem, and then deal with it more strategically.

Nowadays, urgent patience has taken more and more consideration between the companies and organizations.

“The more urgent, the more patient”, people can try to follow this concept, and be aplomb to fix the calamity.

・Semester rumination: tech, business, and life

“Last day in NTU!”. Some of friends post Instagram story like this, and truely concluding their memoir in this prominant place.

Yet, there still one-year tortuous path for me before the next authentically step.

I strived to make progresses on the software track. After completing programming design, database management, linear algebra, I can ultimately fulfill the qualifications of the information-related master program.

The motivation propeled me to pursue this realm is that I desire to realize how “smart” am I. From a secular perspective, I’v indeedly reach the extensive recognition.

However, this competetive environment seems to have dissipated since college.

In my opinion, in college of management, or further in business world, a pernicious factor leading to success is the ability to seize the resources gap. Networking, information receiving, and background, to name a few, are encapsulated in the concept of “resources gap”. That is, you don’t necessarily need to be the most brilliant student, yet you still can win the happy hunger game in college of management.

In contrast, there’s many intelligent people in these technical courses, especially in programming design. Suddenly, the intellegence tension comes back, and make me just eager to substentiate how the extent of my boundary can be.

I think I still have talent and zeal in business, and even a great capabillity to grab the resources gap. Moreover, I never impugn the value of business although my career direction remains nebulous. But embracing the hard skill in our young age, became one of my inspiration after the internship at KPMG Digital Village.

I’ m not really sure how the rest one year at NTU will be. However, this semester, I met such a unexpected number of new friends, and reunion with my high school interest.

The saga never halt, and it will keep narratived. Tech, business, life, are gonna be my core prusuits with a phlegmatic attitude. Just pay my supreme tribute to everyone who exsist in my febulous semester in 2023 fall.