This is my project that organize an article a week about what I learned & thought.
・Rancor & Remission: from “Naruto” to “Attack on Titan”
Anime “Attack on Titan” recently concluded its epic saga. In the story of “Attack of Titan”, people build three colossal circular walls, which called Maria, Rose, and Sina, respectively, and the main characters just grew and met each other inside the protection of the soild walls. The decisions and the adventures of the main characters ultimately give “Attack on Titan” an extraordinary place in the heart of its fans.
One of a signifacant aspect of meaning to me when watching “Attcak on Titan” is the animosity between countries, ethnicities, and humanities. One nation assults another country, and over the years, the nascent enmity causes new vengeance.
Similarily, another classic anime “Naruto” also discusses the intricate hatred between humans. In “Naruto”, the formidable antagonist Nagato attempted to break the chain of animosity and by inflicting tremendous pain on the adversary. However, what he finalliy got was endless intersecting hatred as an infinite cycle.
Regrettably, the animosity cycle literally exist in the real world. The most related incident comes to my mind is the Israel-Palestine Conflict. The Jewish and Hamas invase, slaughter, avenge each other ceaselessly. Once a vengeance come, another seed of animosity just be planted. By generations, this desperate and hedious cycle seems infinite, as long as the darkest part of human nature exist.
To be candid, I am not a credulous advocate of blinded irenity, taking animosity as a plausible response to overwhelming sorrow is reasonable. Nevertheless, advisable forgiveness is a way out of the brutal animosity circle.
In “Naruto”, Nagato eventually realized that animosity can be restrained even if it never gonna disperse, the true path to the peace is realization. In “Attack on Titan” Eren also fail to halt the animosity chain by his own paramount power.
Remission, realization, and love offer a potential blossoms of irenity. Hope someday in the future the humanity can embrace these three blessings, and the animosity can thoroughly be eradicated from our core nature.
・Buckets effect
The bucket effect maintain that the capacity of a wooden bucket is determined by the length of the shortest wooden stave side. Thus, we can exert it as an analogy to a team, an organization, or even a country.
For instance, if there is a company seek to make some transformation, they should notice the bucket effect. That is, the key factor to influence whether it’ll be successful or not is not the number of advantages they possess but the severity of thier weekness.
In certain situations, their is another theory known as “Strengths-Based Development”, which is means the success might depend on how well the strengths are levereged.
The parallel example is about the NBA team. Sometimes how far a team can be is depend on their best player and All-Star player, appreantly not those worst player. Since in some condition we can just mitigate these weaknesses, such as strategically avoiding the involvement of less proficient players.
Both these two theories have been prevalent in business world for such a long time. The similarity between them is to realize the strength and the defect of ourselves, and be sensitive to the existing circumstances.
・Decimal separator across different cultures
Since the earily days of kindergarten education, we have been instilled with the notion that a dot (.) is used to repressent the decimal separator.
Yet, there are some difference in the formulation of decimal separator between conturies and cultures.
Many European countriies, including Frence, Germany, Italy, Spain, embrace comma (,) as the decimal separator. For instance, when they express a number like “11.2”, they will use “11,2”.
The genesis of this preference to decimal comma can trace back to the situation that French mathematicians faced with the task of choosing a suitable decimal separator.
They found that the full stop had already been employed to enhance the readability of Roman numerals. Consequently, they opted for the comma.
Although many countries in Europe using decimal comma, the United Kingdom and the United States still use decimal dot similar to Taiwan. Initially the United States chose the full stop as decimal separator, and the UK followed the decision.
In conclusion, decimal seperator is embodiment of historical narratives and cultrual nuances.
Next time you travel around the world, a basic understanding of the daily traditions can be a great strength to help you feel confortable in unfamiliar place.